Geoff’s story
“I hope my story can help someone who’s going through what I went through”

Geoff, Enterra® Therapy patient, United Kingdom
Start of symptoms
As Geoff sat down for dinner one night in 2016, he felt a little nauseous but pushed through. He was eager to enjoy the evening and reconnect with some friends from out of town.
But when his nausea and other symptoms didn’t end, Geoff went to the doctor—concerned that he might have diabetes. After months of diagnostic testing, his doctor eventually told him two things: you don’t have diabetes, and don’t bother coming back to see me. I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
Journey to diagnosis
Unfortunately for Geoff, his symptoms only worsened. He started vomiting ten times a day or more. He was constantly hungry, but unable to eat. He felt washed out, rotten, and completely drained.
Eventually, Geoff saw a doctor at his local hospital and was told that he did have diabetes, and had for some time. Because it had gone unmanaged for so long, Geoff had sustained damage to his stomach nerves.
Despite trying new medications and doing his best to manage his diabetes, Geoff’s nausea and vomiting just didn’t stop. He used so much sick leave that his employer mandated an occupational health assessment. Geoff recalls vomiting in the waiting room, only to be told that there was nothing the doctor could do for him. Eventually, Geoff lost his job.
At this point, Geoff says he was truly losing his will to live.
Discovering Enterra® Therapy
But Geoff didn’t give up on the search for answers—or relief.
In 2019, he was referred to a surgeon in the United Kingdom who implants the Enterra Therapy System.
This doctor recognized that Geoff had gastroparesis—and that he was an excellent candidate for gastric electrical stimulation. When he suggested Enterra Therapy and discussed the risks, Geoff jumped at the chance. He was willing to try anything to find relief.
Life with Enterra Therapy
Three years later, Geoff says he’s gotten his life back.
Since receiving his Enterra Therapy system, he feels normal. He’s found a new job that he loves, working as a machine operator at a medical and industrial manufacturer whose supplies have been sent to support Ukraine.
If Geoff experiences symptoms, he visits his doctor to have his neurostimulator adjusted. He says that, now, he only gets sick if he bends over after eating.
Despite describing his journey with gastroparesis as “going to hell and back,” he says that “Enterra Therapy helped him get his life back on track.” Now, Geoff says he feels grateful—for Enterra Therapy, for his doctor, and for the chance to help someone else on their path to relief.

Geoff’s experience is unique to him and individual results may vary.
The Enterra® Therapy System for gastric electrical stimulation (GES) is indicated for the treatment of chronic intractable (drug refractory) nausea and vomiting secondary to gastroparesis. This system has not been evaluated for pregnant women, for use in patients under the age of 18, or patients over the age of 70. Patients should always discuss potential risks and benefits with their clinician.